Document no. 523
MEBO Document no. 523
Announcement to some official experts, photographers of RARDE and to some Scottish police officers:
The main subject dealt with the notorious 'timer circuit board *MST-13 fragment', called PT35B in the court records.
FBI Special Agent and Task Force Chief Richard Marquise answered Gideon Levy's (VPRO) question G. L.: Would you have a case if you wouldn't have these evidence (MST-13 timer)? R.M.: Would we have a case. It would be a very dificult case to prove. It would be a very dificult case to prove ... I don't think we would ever had an indictment.
And he said also: But I can tell you that no money was paid to any witness, any witness prior to the trial. No promise of money was made to any witness prior to the trial. G.L.: And was there paid any money after he trial? R.M.: I'm not gonna answer that.
And he said: If someone manipulated evidence, if somebody didn't invesitgate something that should have been investigated, if somebody twisted it to fit up up Megrahi, or Fimah or Libya, then that person will go to jail. I mean that sincerely, that person should be prosecuted for that.
We hope the Scottish Justice takes this fact to knowledge and goes into a faster action than with the case of Mr. Abdelbaset al Megrahi..
*The first evidence photo PI-995 (15. Sept.1989/RARDE) shows the original brown coloured MST-13 fragment with a in-scratched letter "M" on it. This fragment was fabricated from a non operational prototype cirquit board!
The central fragment MST-13, (PT/35B) which is the only piece of evidence to connect Libya allegedly to the PanAm 103 assassination attempt, lies in the archives of the Scottish High Court and is ruled out as a proof, because it has not a in-scratched letter "M" on it and is green coloured. Thus it is free of doubts a falsification!
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by Edwin and Mahnaz Bollier, MEBO Ltd, Switzerland